Carpet Cleaning

Odor Control

Stain Removal


Stone & Tile
Pro’s Choice provides great classes and instructors to educate professional cleaners about our high-quality products, innovative techniques and the best chemistry for their business. Full and half day classes are available, done through lecture, PowerPoint and hands-on activities. All class and class combinations qualify for IICRC Continuing Education Credit Hours.
Basic Stain Removal
Class Length: 2 hours
The instructor will cover the basics of stain removal. The class is split into 4 basic categories: Synthetic Food Dyes, Organic Stains, Petroleum-Based Stains and Protein-Based Stains. Includes hands-on demos.
Products covered include: Red Relief, Red 1, Stain Magic, Stain 1 and Urine Stain Remover, Pro Solve Gel, Pro Solve Liquid, Citra Quick, Power Gel, Pro Zyme, and Dirt Chaser.
Advanced Stain Removal
Class Length: 2 hours
The instructor picks up where the Basic Stain Removal Class ends. This class covers more advanced tops like Combination Stains, Bleach Spot Repair and reappearing stains.
Products covered include: Products from the Basic Stain Removal Class are brought up again as well as Color Modifying Cosmetics, ARA, and CSS (Color Stabilizer and Souring Agent)
Basic Odor Control
Class Length: 2 hours
The instructor covers the basics of pet odor identification, mapping, estimating, and treatment.
Products covered include: Molecular Modifier, Odor-Zyme, OSR, and Odor
Barrier, X-Cide, Forensic Kit.
Advanced Odor Control
Class Length: 2 hours
This session covers advanced topics of Odor Control and troubleshoots common challenges in addressing pet odors in the field as well as treating urine contamination on natural fibers.
Products covered include: UPT+, Odor Eliminator, Rug Restorer, HD Odor Kill,
Basic Carpet Cleaning
Class Length: 2 hours
Basic Cleaning is an introduction to carpet cleaning. It will cover basic fiber identification, carpet construction styles and the follow up with not just a description of the most common cleaning scenarios but a logical approach to dealing with them effectively and efficiently.
Products covered include: Dirt Chaser, Predator, Last Step, Pro Powder Advanced,
Liqua-Pro, Extreme Clean, Firewater, Energy, Firestorm, CSS, Odor Eliminator,
Air Fresh, SCR, Pro-Zyme, Ultra TLC and Natural Fiber Cleaner.
Advanced Carpet Cleaning
Class Length: 2 hours
Builds on the foundations of Basic Carpet Cleaning in addressing cleaning challenges from different carpet styles such as Berber and commercial glue down carpet. Also addresses issues of wicking and rapid re-soil as well as carpet protectors.
Products covered: Ultra TLC, Natural Fiber Cleaner, Dinge Away, ARA, Brush & Bonnet, Stain Guardian and Protection Plus
Upholstery Cleaning
Class Length: 6 hours
Get the basics on stain removal and an introduction to upholstery cleaning. We’ll cover fiber identification, fabric types and show some of the dos and don’ts for cleaning sensitive fabrics.
Products Covered Include: Amazing Rinse Free Spot All, Upholstery Guard,
CSS, Erase, Citra Quick, OMS, Ultra TLC, and Natural Fiber Cleaner.
Core Carpet Class
Class Length: 7 hours
The Core Carpet Class covers a little bit of everything Carpet Cleaning Basics, Pet Odor Control as well as Stain Removal.
Products Covered Include: Amazing Rinse Free Spot All, Upholstery Guard,
CSS, Erase, Citra Quick, OMS, Ultra TLC, Natural Fiber Cleaner, Last Step, SCR, Ultra TLC, Natural Fiber Cleaner, ARA, Dinge Away, CSS, Oxygen Release Emulsifier, Protection Plus, Stain Guardian, Upholstery Guard, Red 1, Red Relief, Stain Magic, Stain 1, Pro Solve, Power Gel, Rust Away, Citra Quick, DCI Light, Molecular Modifier, Odor-Zyme, Odor Barrier, OSR and X-Cide.
Cooking and Smoke Odors
Class Length: 2 hours
Covers remediation of airborne odor sources from cooking and smoke odors. Shows methods of odor treatment for Air Ducts, Cabinets, Walls and Carpet.
Products covered: Smoke Off, X-Cide for Smoke, X-Cide for Smoke CT, VDT 4200, Vapor Bars and Squares, Ozone-X Series Ozone Generators
Common Class Combinations:
As we mentioned before classes can be mixed and matched to suit your needs. Combined classes will contain the information from the individual modules and cover the products from both classes. Here is a list of the most common combinations:
Basic Stains and Odors
Class Length: 4 Hours
Basic and Advanced Stain Removal
Class Length: 4 Hours
Basic and Advanced Odor Control
Class Length: 4 Hours
Basic and Advanced Carpet Cleaning
Class Length: 4 Hours
“Top-Down” Odor Control
Class Length: 7 Hours
Covers all the material from Basic and Advanced Odor Control and Cooking and Smoke Odor for an all-day event
Full Stain Removal and Odor Control Class
Class Length: 7 Hours
Covers all of the info from the half-day stain and odor classes, combining it into a full day class.
Advanced Stains and Odors
Class Length: 4 Hours
Introduction to Hard Surface Cleaning
Class Length: 4 Hours
You’ve noticed by now that interior landscapes are changing to include more hard surfaces such as natural stone, ceramic tile, and wood and laminate floors. Our Intro to Hard Surface Cleaning Class will let you stick your toe in these new waters before you invest in any expensive equipment and see if this is an avenue of expansion you want to explore. We’ll discuss the differences between Ceramic and Natural Stone and how-to approach both as well as introducing you to a simple yet effective way of cleaning and protecting hardwood floors and laminates.
Products Covered: Pro-Acid, PH Neutral Cleaner, HD Pro Clean, Pro poultice,
Stone Guardian, Pro-Hone 400&800, Pro Polish, Wood Care
Clean and Wood Care Protect.