Pro’s Choice Odor-Zyme is an amazing enzyme odor killer. Odor-Zyme is designed to attack organic contamination from urine, feces, spoiled food and more! As an added bonus, even though Odor-Zyme was designed to remove pet odors you will find that it removes many pet stains as well.
Odor-Zyme is often considered to be the “light” version of Molecular Modifier. It contains the same powerful enzymatic activity but a lower concentration of the odor modifiers found in Molecular Modifier. This may prove to be a benefit to customers who have aversions to strong fragrances.
Odor-Zyme comes ready to use and doesn’t require dilution in most cases. Shake the bottle thoroughly to ensure an even distribution of enzymes and saturate the contaminated area. No odor control treatment will be effective on contamination it’s not coming into contact with so be sure to treat all contaminated areas. An injection needle can be helpful to reach subsurface contamination like the carpet backing or pad.
The enzymes in Odor-Zyme will continue to work for as long as there is a food source and moisture. This can be as long as 10 to 14 days in areas with higher humidity.
However, we understand that in many cases the professional cleaner may not have the option to come back after several days but need to complete the treatment and the clean in one visit. In cases like this treat the carpet full strength and try to give the carpet at least one hour dwell time. Clean the carpet normally around the treated area but be less aggressive on the treated area. This will leave an enzyme content in the carpet backing and pad to continue working.
Regardless of which enzyme product you use be sure to keep pets away from the area being treated until the carpet is clean and dry.