cleaning guide

Selecting the right cleaning product depends on the type of cleaning you are doing. Pro’s Choice manufactures an entire line of cleaning products many of which are designed for specific situations.

In order to find the right pre-spray and extraction emulsifier we need to find out what kind of cleaning you’ll be doing with it  So the first real question is, What kind of work are you doing?

I’ve found that cleaning tends to break up into several different categories which includes:

  • Owner Occupied (These are owner occupied homes not rental units like duplexes or apartments).
  • Commercial (Offices and Restaurants and Hotels)
  • Apartments (This category includes apartments, rental homes, and duplexes).
  • Restaurants (not really it’s own category but has specific situations that need to be addressed).
  • Upholstery and Natural Fibers this includes wool, cotton, .

Next, let’s talk about the different categories and their needs.

Owner Occupied




If you are planning on making this a serious part of your business check out our class listing for classes in your area.

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